Friday, June 4, 2010

Raising The Bar: Step 2 in the goal setting process

"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it" Michelangelo

That quote is going to be very important to the whole goal setting process. Step 2 is the most crucial step in goal setting. If you ignore this step, like most people do, you are destined to fail no matter what you do or how hard you try.

"Most people," says Denis Waitley, author of The Pyschology of Winning, "spend more time planning a party, studying the newspaper or making a Christmas list then they do planning their lives." Zig Ziglar says only 3% of Americans actually take the time and effort necessary to put their goals to paper. So folks this would be the part where paying attention and following through is extremely important!

You need to have clearly defined, and WRITTEN goals!

So here we go now that you have looked in the mirror and assessed yourself. You know where you are, along with what you have in your head as your best body ever (if you didn't do your homework in step 1 don't read on before completing.)

Seriously, go get it done first.....

The next step folks now that you've looked in the mirror at the present is to look to the future. It's time to aim high! Go big or why bother? Now that doesn't mean setting a 4 minute mile as a goal if your best mile has been 20 minutes. What it means is don't be afraid to set some high, somewhat scary goals. People shrink away from setting lofty goals for a couple different reasons. One reason is they want the wiggle room to slack off. Look, if your goal is to get six pack abs that would mean that there is basically no room for error or cheating in your diet. So someone that likes the idea of having a six pack but doesn't want to give up their cheesecake three nights a week isn't likely to set getting a washboard stomach as their goal.

The other reason people set lower goals is because they fear the emotional drain of failing or falling short of it. Now I think this is all wrong. Tony Robbins once said "there are no failures in life only results. If you don't like the results you're producing then do something different." I often talk to people at the club and they are telling me how they don't expect to overhaul their bodies. They just want to get in and "ease into it". They don't expect anything big to change. WTF?! I mean seriously what do you expect to take away from coming to the club then? They say this out of fear and insecurity. They don't want to set themselves up for failure. If they never go big they never have to worry about falling short.

I'm sure everyone has heard the quote "Aim for the moon if you miss you'll land among the stars." Sure it's a bit cheesy, but it's an excellent philosophy. Let's say your goal is to wear a size 2. You're a size 18 and a 12 is the smallest you've been since 8th grade. So you go about doing everything you can to attain this goal and at the end of the time you've allowed to get to this goal you're a size 4. Did you fail? Absolutely not! You are much smaller and most likely more fit then you've ever been. You obviously have made good habits into a lifestyle and have completely overhauled your body in the process! Does it mean you should stop what you've been doing and not keep trying to get into that 2? No, it doesn't. It just means that at the end of the time you set for yourself you were a little short, but still leaps and bounds ahead of anywhere you've been before. This should be super encouraging! You're producing results and they are good results! How far would you have come if your goal was a size 10? It is slightly smaller then your smallest, but not big enough of a goal to scare you or push you into really working hard! You would've had wiggle room. But a size 2? Yeah no wiggle room. Changes would HAVE to be made and discipline stepped up in order to be that much smaller. That Tony Robbins quote up above applies to when you're producing good results. Keep doing what you've been doing!

Homework from step 2 is to sit down and think about what your goals are going to be. Now that you've envisioned your best body ever, WRITE DOWN what it is going to be. Have your BIG goals on paper before step 3. In step 1 you got your starting point. Step 2 is finding your destination. From here out I'm going to show you how to build the road map to that destination! This is where we separate the dreamers from the believers. You have till Thursday to get your goals on paper before step 3 is posted. Don't worry if you aren't exact with your goals. Think of this as the rough draft stage. Just get your main goals on paper. Till Thursday puppets. DANCE!

Mr. J

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