Monday, June 14, 2010

What The Heart Wants: Step 5 putting your heart into it!

The Law of Contrast states "There will always be people stronger, learner, faster, more talented and more genetically gifted than you, so compare yourself only to yourself not to others." Basically folks, the only way to be happy and satisfied is to look at yourself and only yourself.

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." Theodore Roosevelt

I'm starting with this because I want you mentally prepared for this final step in setting your goals. This is the step that will decide how good your chances for success really are. Steps 2, 3, and 4 were follow the blueprint, stereo instructions. They are important to the whole process and they are necessary, but Step 5 is the heart of it all, literally. This step will be the one that really personalizes everything for you up to this point. Do not proceed lightly.

Nietzsche, " If you have a strong enough WHY you can bear almost any HOW."

When I was 13 years old I was told about the All Sports Award that my Jr High gave out. It was given out at the end of the year to all 8th grade students who had 6 athletic letters. I was told how difficult it was to obtain this prestigious award, having to letter 6 times in just 2 short years. It was then I knew I HAD to have it! I had an uphill battle entering 8th grade with only 2 letters (CC, and Track) to my credit. This meant that if I wanted this exclusive award not only did I HAVE to make the basketball team that year (after being cut the year before), but I would also have to make the wrestling team!

I had spent the whole summer learning more about basketball and practicing so I could make the team. I made the B team. While its not very impressive it kept me in the hunt for the All Sports Award. Next up wrestling! It was AWFUL guys. I mean I HATED wrestling! I didn't enjoy the practices, my teammates, or the sport itself, but it was a NECESSARY obstacle to endure, and overcome if I wanted that award. I ended up wrestling enough matches to earn my letter (went 3-0!). Then track season came and went and it was finally end of year awards! I can tell you of all the accomplishments athletically that I have achieved before that day and even after, NONE of them have filled me with the satisfaction and sense of accomplishment that getting that trophy did! I still have it. I have never put up my high school and college MVP's, my school record awards (high school and college), or my All-American award, none of it. But my All Sports Trophy is always there. It meant so much to me because I had WANTED it so badly, and I had to overcome and endure a lot to get it. Earning that trophy was the driving force of my whole 8th grade year.

The point of that stroll down memory lane was to hopefully make all of you think back to something in your past that you too really, really wanted. Then think of all you had to do or better yet what you had to overcome to get it. How did you feel when you did? Tying emotion to your goals is the ONLY way to make them happen. Without your emotion involved your goals just don't hold the same importance. Bob Proctor in his Goal Achiever program says, "The moment you get emotionally involved with your goal, it instantly and automatically begins to move into physical form."

Think right now of what you want goal wise. Now, answer this: 1) what's important to you about reaching your goal? 2) WHY is it important? The reason why you want your goal is the PURPOSE of the goal!

When I sit down with clients I can almost always tell who is going to succeed by the way they talk to me about what they want. Sure everyone says "I want to look better, feel better, and be healthier." Those are empty, surface answers that they've been trained to say. It's when I can get them to tell me their why's that I can tell how well they will do. I have had a near 400lb, burly, tattooed man cry when he told me he wanted to lose weight because he was tired of being the fat guy. I had one woman tell me she wasn't going to quit until she could have sex with the lights on! Everyone has a different reason for WHY they want something. It's not just finding that why, but understanding the reason it's important to you. That will keep you on the path to making it happen.

As one client put it (after losing 153lbs) "I can trace all that I've done in the last two years (weight loss, career, and lifestyle) back to one single moment. It was stepping on a scale and seeing 368lb! The switch just flipped. I said this is ENOUGH." He immediately started doing whatever it took to start moving towards a new body and ultimately a new life.

Another client told me, "After talking with you, I realized I, ME, had the power to change who I was inside and out. I think that was the selling point. Realizing the ball was in my court and I could go as far as I wanted. I was my only road block."

Both people have not only accomplished their initial goals, but have totally surpassed what they thought was possible! The reason they were so successful was because they were attached EMOTIONALLY to their goals! It was tied to their cores. That slice of pizza, the skipping a workout, or sleeping in late on the weekends didn't matter when compared to what was motivating them. They each had their own All Sports Trophy they were chasing. No one can ever take their success away from them.

So where I could sit here and give you lollipops and sunshine all day. I've decided to go with a more direct approach and put the responsibility on YOU. The ONLY person in this whole process that is of any importance. No matter how much I want it for you, nothing will happen until YOU want it for YOU. Your final homework assignment will be to take your BEST BODY goals, your time line, and all your short term goals, and REWRITE them ALL with as much emotion in them as possible. Remember the deeper and more personal you make it, the stronger your chances of attaining them will be.

I want you to write your Daily, Weekly, and 90 day goals down on at least 3 index cards. I want you to put one by your bed, one on your bathroom mirror, and keep the last one in your pocket or purse. Then I want you to read them out loud to yourself at least first thing in the morning and right before bed for a minimum of 21 days STRAIGHT. It may seem ridiculous, but it is so important for your subconscious and for you to hear them and remember them. You do anything for 21 days straight and it becomes a habit. Not only that guys, but if you read them and see them everyday you will be accountable to them. How are you going to eat a quarter pounder with cheese and then read about that size 4 you want to be in?

If you really want to maximize your results, write affirmations of them. It's very important that you write them in PRESENT tense! Write them as if they have already happened. Example: I am so happy I'm wearing my size _____ shorts! Read these every chance you get! Your subconscious only operates in the now. If you put your affirmations as future tense they will stay exactly there, IN THE FUTURE. We are dealing in the NOW.

One more thing! I want you to tell as many people about your goals as possible, mainly your 90 day goal. This will make you so accountable you don't even know! How will you face that coworker, your spouse, or your friends when they ask you how you're coming along with your goals? I guarantee it will keep you going to the gym and eating better. When other people know your goals you can't keep them secret. You have to be accountable for them. They don't need to know your WHY's, they just need what your goals are. If no one knows you want to lose 25lbs then no one will be any wiser if you don't. You will be giving yourself wiggle room to fall short all over the place!

I hope that through this whole 5 step process you have actually taken the time to assess yourself. I know if you have then you've come to a deeper realization about who you are now and who you want to be. I am also hoping you take these steps and utilize them as the blueprints to an improved you that they can be. These steps aren't just for your fitness goals either. They can be applied to any goals in your life! Stay tuned for my personal challenge to all of you (including myself) that I will be posting next week! I appreciate all the time that you have invested to this learning process and thank you for following along.

I leave you with this.

Now that it's all over, what did you really do yesterday that's worth mentioning? Coleman Cox

and as always till next time, DANCE!

Mr. J

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